Aura Scanning
A healthy aura signifies healthy body, mind and spirit. Monitoring the changes in aura colours can help you in diagnosing ailments. Often, with the help of aura pictures, an illness can be detected much before the symptoms of the disease appear. You may even discover the emotional state and sense life's purpose.
Aura in simple words is the energy field of an object. The strength of this energy field is picked up by the UAS and labelled as the measured aura of that specific object. The measured aura reading can indicate positivity or negativity depending on the predominant vibrations of the subject. For example, if the subject has predominantly positive vibrations, then the measured aura reading indicates positivity, whereas if the subject emits primarily negative vibrations, the measured aura reading would be indicative of negativity.
Aura Chakra Details
Our Chakras are associated with with specific color and are blocked due to some reasons. In below image we are giving glimpse of the chakra and reasons for their blockages. Aura scanning helps us understand the chakra power and solutions.
Every living organism is surrounded by an electromagnetic energy field, called an Aura. This field vibrates at different frequencies and reflects your State of Mind, Body and Inner Being.
All objects or Substance have a unique Aura. Aura of the subjects has seen changing after healing or surrounding field. It very useful to known our potential and rectify the Aura Field with various Therapies as Spiritual, Hypnotism, Crystal, Gems, Colour, Aroma, Magnetic, Scalar, Yoga etc.
Aura Chakra Analysis
Most people vibrate within a certain range, which represents a person’s AURA TYPE or PERSONALITY COLOR. Knowing the meaning of each Aura Color Personality Type is the first essential step in each evaluation. If you would only know your clients base aura color, would give you an in-depth look into your client’s core beliefs, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual behavior and patterns.
The 7 main Chakras or Energy Centers are displayed in the center of the Aura Chakra Image along the spine. The shape, size and intensity of the color of each Chakra reflects various physical, emotional, mental and spiritual states within your aura.