PIP Aura Scanning
The human body and other existing substances are surrounded by an energy field. This energy field is known as AURA. The aura can be seen or felt by experts who have the capabilities through inner strength.
The energy centres known as major and minor chakras, as well as the effects of our surroundings, such as geopathic stress, vastu (geometric substances), positive or negative energy fields, and so on, affect the human body's auras. This aura shows various colours as per the field. Mind-body-spiritual existence can be analysed through the aura and chakras. Body organs and glands are governed by chakras. Our thought-emotion expression changes the aura. The spiritual connection can be understood through the aura.
All objects or substances have a unique aura. The subject's auras have changed as a result of healing or the surrounding field. It is very useful to know our potential and rectify the aura field with various therapies such as spiritual, hypnotism, crystals, gems, colour, aroma, magnetic, scalar, yoga, etc.