Universal Scanning
Universal Aura Scanner used for various aspects such as: Examination of an aura energy field of our body Finding an appropriate gem stone which can suit our body. Checking Geopathic stress. Find the body energy level Checking positive and negative energies. Finding various chakras energy levels in our body. Checking suitable plot and its Vastu Checking several types of radiations.
Aura is basically defined as a bioelectric field emanating from every living being. Aura is the external manifestation of energy body. Aura energy gives reliable information about one’s health in such a way that the aura is quite balance for a healthy person and a shrunken aura signifies low energy where as an uneven aura is a sign of future or existing illness.
Universal Aura Scanner Machine creates balance and abundance by supporting health and wellness, and reducing suffering, and provides solutions to improve your situation. A Pair of Metallic Properties for Distance Scanning, Empty phial for the sample test, One Pair of Most Accurate Universal Aura Scanner, 300 different samples for vastu, gemstone, planets, etc.